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Cosmic Connections 2013 Summer Institute : July 7 - July 12, 2013 at SDSU
To apply to the Cosmic Connections 2013 workshop, please enter the information indicated below.
Please enter the Zip code for your school's mailing address.
Contact Information
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
Please enter your home address and home phone and e-mail.
* Home Address 1 : 
   Home Address 2 : 
* City : 
* State : 
* Zip : 
* Home Phone : 
Home Email Address : 
Please enter your school address and school phone and e-mail.
* School Address 1 : 
   School Address 2 : 
* City : 
* State : 
* Zip : 
* School Phone : 
* School Email Address : 
Correnspondence for this workshop will occur primarily though e-mail. Please indicate which email address you prefer to be used to contact you in May and June.
Please indicate if you will be commuting or if you would like the Cosmic Connections 2013 coordinators to provide you a room.
Please reserve a room for me.
I prefer to commute from home/friend's house.
Please list the courses you will likely teach during the next school year (2013/2014).
Please indicate the typical number of students you teach in a school year.
Please provide the name of your math/science partner (if applicable).
Please list the courses typically taught by your math/science partner.
What is your comfort level with the following topics?
Not Comfortable Neutral Comfortable Very Comfortable
Middle School Math
Algebra I
Algebra II
Physical Science/Physics
Calculator Technology for math
Data Collection/Analysis technology
Please write a brief statement of why you would like to participate in the Cosmic Connections 2013 workshop and what you hope to gain by participating in it.
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